Tuesday 24 April 2012

Animatic - First Attempt

The above video shows the first draft of my completed animatic. Although I am very happy with the overall look and production of the piece, there are a few key story areas that need further development. After consultation with my tutor, it is clear to me that the structure of the middle act of the piece needs work. While working on my storyboards, I decided that the motivation for the orphan to return the coin to the old man was unrealistic, and needed work. This change is shown in my animatic through the orphan apparently wanting the pick pocket the old man, who has a pocket full of coins. However, once the orphan loses the coin, he has no need to run after it, as he has a whole pocket of coins he could steal from the man. During the process of creating the animatic, this story point became muddled, and it is only now in hindsight that I see the narrative mistake. This is a mistake that is able to be fixed though. A few changes to the animatic, drawing the orphan's attention away from the coin back to the old man, is all that is needed to fix the piece.