Monday 5 March 2012

Changes to Planning Proposal

After the continuation of the Digital Skilling module, I have decided to make a few changes to my proposal. Whereas the main bulk of the showreel will stay the same, the content of the work featured will change. In my previous plan I suggested I'd base my showreel on the animatic work I had previously created within the Digital Skilling module, but now I will work on ideas that will be taken forward into my third year film. This change of idea was suggested to me by the project brief for the showreel, as the brief was able to elaborate on what I was able to achieve through the rest of the year. I still plan to create a dynamic animatic and character model, but these will now be designed around my third year film idea. I will be able to take through the skills I have learnt so far within this term (and the course as a whole), and create a show reel that was similar to my first proposal, but just now features new content. The benefit of developing my work towards my third year film will be that I will get a head start on the work needed for third year, as well as creating work needed for my second year showreel.

The pipeline I will follow is as such:

* Idea Creation -
Develop an idea to be taken forward as the basis of my third year film.

* Research -
Look into film, books, culture, other sources, to help create the aesthetic of the piece.

* Character Designs -
Create designs for the characters to appear within my piece. These characters will then be modeled in Maya, and form part of my showreel.

*Scripting/Storyboarding -
Creating an outline for my story, then creating storyboards of these.

*Animatic -
A moving version of my storyboards, showing camera movements, timing, and character animation that will appear within the finished film. The animatic will be creating using a mixture of Flash, Photoshop, and Aftereffects. The animatic will also be part of my showreel.

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